A Community of Makers
The Guild meets five times a year the third Saturday of the month, bimonthly from September through May. All meetings are held at The Congregational Church of South Glastonbury, located at the intersection of Main & High Sts. in S Glastonbury, CT.
949 Main Street, South Glastonbury, CT 06073
Founded in 1948, The Handweavers' Guild of Connecticut invites handweavers, spinners and other fiber artists from all levels of experience to exchange ideas and share knowledge, to encourage and educate, to stimulate creativity and to challenge their abilities in fiber art techniques.
Maria Robinson
Stratford Point Lighthouse
3rd Place - Wall Hangings
2023 Biennial Show

Membership is open to anyone who loves the fiber arts. If you would like to meet other fiber artists, you are welcome to attend one of our meetings and see what we are all about.