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March Mini 4: Spin Yourself a Warp

Date: March 15, 2025

Instructor - Liz Borajkiewicz


This mini is a demo about spinning and my journey as a self-taught spinner ... you can do it, too.  I will introduce you to the equipment I use, an Ashford Castle Style Wheel, Electric Wheel EEW 6.0, and a drop spindle, one of the oldest forms of spinning, but still relevant today.  We can talk about “Why Wool”, spinning techniques, the yarn created (singles or plyed).  You will be able to try your hand at spinning or come just to pet the fiber.  I will also talk briefly about the Breed Study that I am organizing.  Wool fiber has amazing characteristics and spinning is a great skill to create a beautiful warp.


Participants should bring: A notebook/pencil.  Fiber will be provided.


Materials fee: OPTIONAL $12 extra for Bare Bones Beginner Drop Spindle if you want one to take home. (Teacher will gather the requests 6 weeks prior to the mini).  There will be a couple in class to try.

Class size: 10

March Mini 4: Spin Yourself a Warp

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