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Nov Mini 3: Getting Started with Hand-Manipulated Lace

Date: November 18, 2024

Instructor: Jen Rogers


Some interesting laces are made by hand-manipulating the warp and the weft on the loom. In this mini workshop, the steps involved in making some of the most common types of these laces will be demonstrated, i.e. Leno, Brooks Bouquet, Danish Medallion, Spanish Lace. Participants will try out these laces for themselves.  More advanced hand-manipulated laces may be introduced if there is time.  The instructor will bring a loom for demonstrating, but students are encouraged to bring their own loom set up to weave plain weave to try the techniques demonstrated. The instructor will share her samples, and students are encouraged to bring examples of hand-manipulated laces they may have.


This class is especially for those who have had very limited or no experience weaving hand-manipulated lace.  This type of weaving is a requirement for the Journeyman rating.  The instructor would like to start up a study group for further exploration, so this class would be a good jumping off point.  Anyone interested in exploring this topic can join the study group, however, and those with lots or experience are encouraged to join to share their insight.


This is intended to be a hands-on class for maximum learning. 


Participants should bring: A dressed rigid heddle or table loom pre-warped for plain weave with 72 ends of 10/2 linen or 8/4 cotton warp (whites preferable), same yarn wrapped onto a stick shuttle, a pick-up stick, small crochet hook, scissors, and notebook/pencil recommended.


Class participants will receive detailed instructions for dressing their looms for the class in advance, so please sign up early.


Materials Fee: $15 for hand-outs and some extra weft thread.

Class Size: 10


Nov Mini 3: Getting Started with Hand-Manipulated Lace

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