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Date: November 18, 2024

Instructor: Louise Gould


This mini-workshop will show you how to make effective use of the app IWeaveIt on your iPad and/or iPhone. We will cover entering a simple draft including entering warp, treadling and tie-up. We will talk about tools for copy and pasting, inverting and reversing threadings or treadlings. We will talk about tools for turning a draft and adding tabby.


However, the most important features of iWeaveIt are the tools for preparing to warp your loom and the actual threading and treadling at the loom. If you have a long repeat of treadlings with multiple color changes (true in the warp too), iWeaveIt will follow your draft with a tap of the screen. Best of all, if you are using other software that can produce wif files such as FiberWorks PCW, you can take advantage of the powerful design tools and then pass the file over to iWeaveIt at the loom.


Participants can bring their own devices with iWeaveIt installed to play along, or watch on the projected screen.


Materials Fee: $2 for handouts

Class Size: 20

Nov Mini 2: IWeaveIT, An App to Use at Your Loom

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